Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A Reflection

Unfortunately this may not be my most eloquent or insightful post due to Thea is due in exactly one week, but we all know that means she could come at any time.  I have been wanting to update for a long time, and I started to, but didn't finish.  Let's see where we end up...

This paragraph was written two months ago (in January) :

"A year ago I set out on this blogging journey not sure where it would take me, but feeling a need to bring some light into the darkness.  Ephesians 5:13 says, "But everything exposed by the light becomes visible--and everything that is illuminated becomes a light".   I had to read that a few times for it to really sink in.  By sharing my story and making it visible to Light, my heart has been illuminated.  I have experienced freedom from anger and doubt.  I hope and pray that God can use me become a light to others as well."

Today at school I cleaned off my desk, made copies for tomorrow, and tried to finish up any must-do items.  I have been leaving each day as if I would not be coming back.  As I drove home, I enjoyed the blooms on the cherry trees and pear trees and even noticed little green leaves starting to pop out.  Wow- it's springtime again!

With all the greenery around and Easter approaching, I can't think of a more perfect time for our baby girl to be born.  It's as if God had it planned this way all along (of course He did!)  The symbolism of resurrection, death to life, darkness to light, forgiveness and a new life (in more ways than one) is not wasted on me.  Thank you, Lord, for choosing me to carry this child.  Thank you for using her to draw me nearer to You.

What a journey we've had to this point, little girl.  Your life already brings so much joy and hope to many people.  I can't wait to see what God has in store for you.

20 weeks
It's a GIRL!
21 weeks
28 and 22 weeks

23 weeks

30 and 24 weeks

26 weeks

27 weeks- Babymoon in Asheville

Eileen's Birthday and 28 weeks

30 weeks

32 weeks in the snow!