Monday, January 14, 2013


Darkness.  The absence of Light, of Hope.  A shadow of evil, pain, sorrow.  Darkness comes in many shapes and forms.  What is darkness in your life?  The unfathomable shooting in Newtown, CT?  The senseless death of a high school  friend?  We try to comprehend it all.  We ask, “Where is God?” 
In my life, darkness has been infertility.  Over four years we have waited, hoped, prayed.  Cried.  I have reached a point where I need to talk about it.  For me and for you.  Infertility has a stigma that we shouldn’t talk about it.  I think that’s wrong.  I’m not planning on sharing the details with the World Wide Web (you are welcome to call me if you’d like talk about it), but I think it’s important to share my heart on the topic. 

I am not going to lie to you.  I have been angry with God.  I have doubted His goodness.  I have bargained with Him and flat out ignored Him.  I asked, “Where is God?”  My head knew that He was there, but I did not desire Him.  My head knew that He alone was peace for my soul…but my hurting heart wanted nothing to do with Him.  I busied myself with Masters work and just about anything else to numb myself from what I knew was Him speaking to me.  It has been a dark, dry, and difficult journey. 
So, where was God?  He was there all along…I did not want to find Him.  Could this be true for the darkness of other situations in our world too?

Psalm 130 “Help, God- the bottom has fallen out of my life!  Master, hear my cry for help!  Listen hard!  Open your ears!  Listen to my cries for mercy.”  (The Message translation)
I love quoting authors because so often I feel that they put words to the emotions that I am unable to express.  I stumbled across this gem from Eugene Peterson on Sunday.  It’s from his book, A Long Obedience in the Same Direction.  “By setting the anguish out in the open and voicing it as a prayer, the psalm (130) gives dignity to our suffering.  It does not look on suffering as something slightly embarrassing that must be hushed up and locked in a closet (where it finally becomes a skeleton) because this sort of thing shouldn’t happen to a real person of faith.  And it doesn’t treat it as a puzzle that must be explained, and therefore turn it over to theologians or philosophers to work out an answer.  Suffering is set squarely, openly, passionately before God.  It is acknowledged and expressed.  It is described and lived.” 

This is me setting my suffering out in the open.  I don’t want it to become a skeleton in my closet.  I don’t need anyone to rationalize it for me.  I just want to open it up to the One who knows every detail, understands my emotion, and longs for me to turn and run into His arms.  I am living it- not dying because of it.  Please don’t feel sorry or say, “It will all happen in the right time”.  Just pray…and mean it.
Next? Gratefulness.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A New Year, A New Blog

About five months ago, I ordered Brennan Manning's book Ruthless Trust.  It is the sequel to one of my favorite books by Manning, The Ragamuffin Gospel.  I read the first chapter right away and didn't touch it again until last week.  I don't think I was ready for its message five months ago...I'm not sure if I'm ready for it now.  Finishing my Masters has opened up free time that I am committed to putting to good use.  Thus far it has involved cleaning my house, organizing cabinets and closets, and visiting with friends and family.  It may seem melodramatic, but I'm starting to feel like myself again.  I learned a lot over the last year and a half- many take aways and realizations of things that are truly important.  I started a science blog for school.  I can't say I enjoyed writing all of those papers, but the habit of reflection has stuck with me.  And so, here it is.  My first non-academic blog since the Xanga days of college.

I can't say that either of these books prompted me to want to start a blog, rather reading Ruthless Trust (only three chapters in) is causing me to reflect on what I have been holding deep inside for several years.  I'm not a big fan of sharing private information on social media, but I've felt a need to share my story with others for a while.  Not so it can be all about me, but so it can be all about Him.  I have been in a dry and painful place, but I hear Him calling me out, asking me to trust Him again (hence the book) and put myself in a place to soak up His refreshing presence.  Think of a dry shriveled sponge under the sink faucet, softening and expanding, capable of holding more.  Sounds nice.

I will refrain from the formal APA citation, but according to Wikipedia, a doxology is "a short hymn of praise to God".  Manning uses the phrase in his book, and so it is the title of my blog.  Despite the darkness I have experienced (we all experience some kind of darkness), I choose to sing a doxology praising the One "in whom we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28). 

"To be grateful for an unanswered prayer, to give thanks in a state of interior desolation, to trust in the love of God in the face of the marvels, cruel circumstances, obscenities, and commonplaces of life is to whisper a doxology in darkness." - Brennan Manning, Ruthless Trust