Monday, March 18, 2013

In the Shadow of His Wings

True story.  Last week we had picture day at school.  The photographers set up in the gym, so our PE teacher sent everyone an email letting teachers know that PE would have to be held in the classrooms since it was too cold to go outside.  In the business of the day, I forgot to tell the students this was the case.  Depending what special we have for the day (PE, Music, Art, etc.) we come back inside from recess through different doors, so when we began lining up to come in from recess this day, my students were expecting to go in the door near the gym.  When I told them otherwise, many of them questioned me and made sure that I had not "forgotten" that we were supposed to be going to PE.  Rather than repeat myself 28 times, I simply told the students to "Trust me" and go inside the way I directed.  Once inside, I could explain to everyone the reason for the change.

As I walked inside, it hit me.  I am no different than my fifth graders when it comes to God.  I think that I know what should be in store for me.  I think I'm smart enough and in control enough to get myself where I need to be going.  In reality, only He can see the big picture.  Only He is wise and good- He just wants me to trust Him.  Last Tuesday, I heard Him loud and clear. 

That brings me to Lent.  My church participates in the season of the church calendar where believers are called to reflect on their need for Christ and do the hard work of preparing our dirty hearts for the glory of Easter.  Last Sunday, my pastor spoke from Luke and told how in a barnyard fire a mother hen will call her chicks to her and gather them under her wings.  Stories have been told of farmers going into the barn later to find a charred, dead mother hen with live babies still under her wings.  Isn't that amazing?  What a beautiful picture of God's love for us.  When struggle comes and we panic and run, He simply longs to cover us.  Psalm 91:4 says, "He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart" and Psalm 63:7 says, "For You have been my help, and in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy." 

We had another meeting with our infertility doctor for the first time in over a year and a half.  I want this time to be different.  This time, I want to be "covered".   

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